@ -125,7 +125,9 @@ transportView = {
if(measure.size == 1, {measure = " " ++ measure});
if(measure.size == 2, {measure = " " ++ measure});
measure ++ ":" ++ beat};
metronomeStringFunc = {arg curBeat; case {curBeat % 8 < 1} {"◘"} {curBeat % 2 < 1} {"●"} {true} {" "}};
// [-30, -105, -104].asAscii and [-30, -105, -113].asAscii are unicode inverse bullet and normal bullet, respectively
metronomeStringFunc = {arg curBeat; case {curBeat % 8 < 1} {[-30, -105, -104].asAscii}
{curBeat % 2 < 1} {[-30, -105, -113].asAscii} {true} {" "}};
metronomeColorFunc = {arg curBeat; case {curBeat % 32 < 1} {Color.red} {curBeat % 8 < 1} {Color.blue} {true} {Color.black}};
// get current time and call update clock and metronome
@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ transportView = {
clock = StaticText().string_(" 1:1").font_(Font("Monaco", 200)),
StaticText().string_("|").font_(Font("Monaco", 200)),
metronome = StaticText().string_("◘").font_(Font("Monaco", 300)).stringColor_(Color.red)), nil, transport),
metronome = StaticText().string_([-30, -105, -104].asAscii).font_(Font("Monaco", 300)).stringColor_(Color.red)), nil, transport),
alignment: \top])};
// mixer