@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
~generateVisuals = {
arg buf;
var control_window, width_cw = 600, height_cw = 100,
stable_slider, unstable_slider, cycle_slider, stable_val, unstable_val, cycle_val,
border = true, border_button, loop_button,start_button,
hierarchical_dust_window, width_hdw = 600, height_hdw = 600, shade_hd = 1, spectrum_mult_hd = Array.fill(128, {1}), state_hd = 0,
necklaces_window, width_nw = 400, height_nw = 600, shade_n = 0, reset_hd_window,
// All the possible necklaces
necklaces = [[[2,0,1],[2,1,0]],
binary_map = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]], binary_rep,
necklace_len_count = Array.fill(necklaces.size, {1}),
necklace_count = all {: Array.fill(n.size, {1}), n <- necklaces },
synth, osc_func, necklace_func, necklace, necklace_transition, necklace_fade_in, necklace_fade_out, run = true;
// Generate the necklaces
necklace_func = {var necklace_len_index, necklace_index;
necklace_len_index = ({|i| i} ! necklaces.size).wchoose(necklace_len_count.normalizeSum);
necklace_len_count = necklace_len_count + 1;
necklace_len_count[necklace_len_index] = 0;
necklace_index = ({|i| i} ! necklace_count[necklace_len_index].size).wchoose(necklace_count[necklace_len_index].normalizeSum);
necklace_count[necklace_len_index] = necklace_count[necklace_len_index] + 1;
necklace_count[necklace_len_index][necklace_index] = 0;
necklace = necklaces[necklace_len_index][necklace_index];
// Fade necklaces in and out
necklace_fade_out = Routine {
26.do({ arg i; shade_n = (25-i).abs/25.0; (1.0/25).wait;});
necklace_fade_in = Routine {
2.wait; necklace_func.value; 26.do({ arg i; shade_n = i/25.0; (1.0/25).wait;});
necklace_transition = Routine {
necklace_fade_out.play; 1.wait; necklace_fade_in.play;
// Get messages from SynthDef
osc_func = OSCFunc({ arg msg, time;
0, {shade_hd = msg[3]},
1, {necklace_transition.play},
2, {state_hd = msg[3]},
3, {spectrum_mult_hd = msg[3..]}
)},'/tr', s.addr);
reset_hd_window = {
arg border = true, isLaunch = true;
// Create window for projection
hierarchical_dust_window = Window("hierarchical dust window",
{Rect(100, Window.availableBounds.height - height_hdw, width_hdw, height_hdw)},
{hierarchical_dust_window.bounds}), true, border);
hierarchical_dust_window.background = Color.white;
// Animate
hierarchical_dust_window.drawFunc = {
Pen.use {
Pen.color = Color.gray(1-shade_hd);
Pen.addRect(Rect(0, 0, hierarchical_dust_window.bounds.width, hierarchical_dust_window.bounds.height));
Pen.color = Color.gray(shade_hd);
if(state_hd == 1, {
binary_rep = (all {: binary_map[x], x <- necklace }).flatten;
{ |i|
hierarchical_dust_window.bounds.width-if(binary_rep[i] == 1,{40},{30})@(((hierarchical_dust_window.bounds.height-40)
/ 128) * i + 150),
hierarchical_dust_window.bounds.width-20@(((hierarchical_dust_window.bounds.height-40) / 128) * i + 150))
} ! binary_rep.size;});
{ |i| if(spectrum_mult_hd[i] == 1,
20@(((hierarchical_dust_window.bounds.height-40) / 128) * i + 150),
40@(((hierarchical_dust_window.bounds.height-40) / 128) * i + 150))})} ! 64;
// Create window for score
necklaces_window = Window("necklaces window",
Rect(width_hdw + 100, Window.availableBounds.height - height_nw, width_nw, height_nw));
necklaces_window.background = Color.white;
necklaces_window.onClose = { run = false; hierarchical_dust_window.close; control_window.close; ~synth.free };
// Animate
necklaces_window.drawFunc = {
Pen.use {
Pen.color = Color.gray(if(state_hd == 1,{0}, {0.5}), shade_n);
{ |i| Pen.line((200-75)@((i-1)*15 + 300), (200+75)@((i-1)*15 + 300)) } ! 3;
{ |i| Pen.addOval(
Rect(200 - 75 + ((i+1) * (150.0 / (necklace.size + 2)) + 4),
(2-necklace[i]-1) * 15 + 300 - 7, 14, 14)) } ! necklace.size;
// Refresh
{ while { run } { hierarchical_dust_window.refresh; necklaces_window.refresh; 24.reciprocal.wait; } }.fork(AppClock);
// Create window for user controls
control_window = Window.new("control window",
Rect(100, Window.availableBounds.height - height_hdw - height_cw - 30, width_cw, height_cw));
control_window.onClose = { run = false; hierarchical_dust_window.close; necklaces_window.close; ~synth.free };
unstable_val = TextField().fixedWidth_(50).string_("15");
stable_val = TextField().fixedWidth_(50).string_("10");
cycle_val = TextField().fixedWidth_(50).string_("10");
unstable_slider = Slider(control_window).orientation_(\horizontal).action_({
var scaled_val = (unstable_slider.value * 25 + 5).trunc;
~synth.set(\unstable, scaled_val);
unstable_val.string = scaled_val;});
unstable_slider.value = 0.4;
stable_slider = Slider(control_window).orientation_(\horizontal).action_({
var scaled_val = (stable_slider.value * 25 + 5).trunc;
~synth.set(\stable, scaled_val);
stable_val.string = scaled_val;});
stable_slider.value = 0.2;
cycle_slider = Slider(control_window).orientation_(\horizontal).action_({
var scaled_val = (cycle_slider.value * 25 + 5).trunc;
~synth.set(\cycle_len, scaled_val);
cycle_val.string = scaled_val;});
cycle_slider.value = 0.2;
border_button = Button(control_window).states_([["border", Color.black], ["border", Color.black, Color.grey]]).value_(1).action_(
{|v| hierarchical_dust_window.close; reset_hd_window.value(if(v.value == 1,{true},{false}), false)});
loop_button = Button(control_window).states_([["loop", Color.black], ["loop", Color.black, Color.grey]]).action_(
{|v| ~synth.set(\loop, v.value)});
start_button = Button(control_window).states_([["start", Color.black]]).action_(
{|v| Routine{
state_hd = 0;
~synth = Synth.newPaused(\hierarchical_dust, [\buf, buf]);
{stable_slider.valueAction = stable_slider.value;
unstable_slider.valueAction = unstable_slider.value;
cycle_slider.valueAction = cycle_slider.value;
loop_button.valueAction = loop_button.value;}.defer;
control_window.layout = VLayout(
HLayout([StaticText().string="unstable -> stable", stretch: 1], [HLayout(unstable_slider, unstable_val), stretch: 4]),
HLayout([StaticText().string="stable -> unstable", stretch: 1], [HLayout(stable_slider, stable_val), stretch: 4]),
HLayout([StaticText().string="cycle length", stretch: 1], [HLayout(cycle_slider, cycle_val), stretch: 4]),
HLayout(nil, nil, nil, border_button, loop_button, start_button)