232 lines
7.6 KiB
232 lines
7.6 KiB
6 years ago
* Clean-css - https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css
* Released under the terms of MIT license
* Copyright (C) 2015 JakubPawlowicz.com
var ImportInliner = require('./imports/inliner');
var rebaseUrls = require('./urls/rebase');
var tokenize = require('./tokenizer/tokenize');
var simpleOptimize = require('./selectors/simple');
var advancedOptimize = require('./selectors/advanced');
var simpleStringify = require('./stringifier/simple');
var sourceMapStringify = require('./stringifier/source-maps');
var CommentsProcessor = require('./text/comments-processor');
var ExpressionsProcessor = require('./text/expressions-processor');
var FreeTextProcessor = require('./text/free-text-processor');
var UrlsProcessor = require('./text/urls-processor');
var Compatibility = require('./utils/compatibility');
var InputSourceMapTracker = require('./utils/input-source-map-tracker');
var SourceTracker = require('./utils/source-tracker');
var SourceReader = require('./utils/source-reader');
var Validator = require('./properties/validator');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var url = require('url');
var override = require('./utils/object').override;
var CleanCSS = module.exports = function CleanCSS(options) {
options = options || {};
this.options = {
advanced: undefined === options.advanced ? true : !!options.advanced,
aggressiveMerging: undefined === options.aggressiveMerging ? true : !!options.aggressiveMerging,
benchmark: options.benchmark,
compatibility: new Compatibility(options.compatibility).toOptions(),
debug: options.debug,
explicitRoot: !!options.root,
explicitTarget: !!options.target,
inliner: options.inliner || {},
keepBreaks: options.keepBreaks || false,
keepSpecialComments: 'keepSpecialComments' in options ? options.keepSpecialComments : '*',
mediaMerging: undefined === options.mediaMerging ? true : !!options.mediaMerging,
processImport: undefined === options.processImport ? true : !!options.processImport,
processImportFrom: importOptionsFrom(options.processImportFrom),
rebase: undefined === options.rebase ? true : !!options.rebase,
relativeTo: options.relativeTo,
restructuring: undefined === options.restructuring ? true : !!options.restructuring,
root: options.root || process.cwd(),
roundingPrecision: options.roundingPrecision,
semanticMerging: undefined === options.semanticMerging ? false : !!options.semanticMerging,
shorthandCompacting: undefined === options.shorthandCompacting ? true : !!options.shorthandCompacting,
sourceMap: options.sourceMap,
sourceMapInlineSources: !!options.sourceMapInlineSources,
target: !options.target || missingDirectory(options.target) || presentDirectory(options.target) ? options.target : path.dirname(options.target)
this.options.inliner.timeout = this.options.inliner.timeout || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
this.options.inliner.request = override(
/* jshint camelcase: false */
proxyOptionsFrom(process.env.HTTP_PROXY || process.env.http_proxy),
this.options.inliner.request || {}
function importOptionsFrom(rules) {
return undefined === rules ? ['all'] : rules;
function missingDirectory(filepath) {
return !fs.existsSync(filepath) && !/\.css$/.test(filepath);
function presentDirectory(filepath) {
return fs.existsSync(filepath) && fs.statSync(filepath).isDirectory();
function proxyOptionsFrom(httpProxy) {
return httpProxy ?
hostname: url.parse(httpProxy).hostname,
port: parseInt(url.parse(httpProxy).port)
} :
CleanCSS.prototype.minify = function (data, callback) {
var context = {
stats: {},
errors: [],
warnings: [],
options: this.options,
debug: this.options.debug,
localOnly: !callback,
sourceTracker: new SourceTracker(),
validator: new Validator(this.options.compatibility)
if (context.options.sourceMap)
context.inputSourceMapTracker = new InputSourceMapTracker(context);
context.sourceReader = new SourceReader(context, data);
data = context.sourceReader.toString();
if (context.options.processImport || data.indexOf('@shallow') > 0) {
// inline all imports
var runner = callback ?
process.nextTick :
function (callback) { return callback(); };
return runner(function () {
return new ImportInliner(context).process(data, {
localOnly: context.localOnly,
imports: context.options.processImportFrom,
whenDone: runMinifier(callback, context)
} else {
return runMinifier(callback, context)(data);
function runMinifier(callback, context) {
function whenSourceMapReady (data) {
data = context.options.debug ?
minifyWithDebug(context, data) :
minify(context, data);
data = withMetadata(context, data);
return callback ?
callback.call(null, context.errors.length > 0 ? context.errors : null, data) :
return function (data) {
if (context.options.sourceMap) {
return context.inputSourceMapTracker.track(data, function () {
if (context.options.sourceMapInlineSources) {
return context.inputSourceMapTracker.resolveSources(function () {
return whenSourceMapReady(data);
} else {
return whenSourceMapReady(data);
} else {
return whenSourceMapReady(data);
function withMetadata(context, data) {
data.stats = context.stats;
data.errors = context.errors;
data.warnings = context.warnings;
return data;
function minifyWithDebug(context, data) {
var startedAt = process.hrtime();
context.stats.originalSize = context.sourceTracker.removeAll(data).length;
data = minify(context, data);
var elapsed = process.hrtime(startedAt);
context.stats.timeSpent = ~~(elapsed[0] * 1e3 + elapsed[1] / 1e6);
context.stats.efficiency = 1 - data.styles.length / context.stats.originalSize;
context.stats.minifiedSize = data.styles.length;
return data;
function benchmark(runner) {
return function (processor, action) {
var name = processor.constructor.name + '#' + action;
var start = process.hrtime();
runner(processor, action);
var itTook = process.hrtime(start);
console.log('%d ms: ' + name, 1000 * itTook[0] + itTook[1] / 1000000);
function minify(context, data) {
var options = context.options;
var commentsProcessor = new CommentsProcessor(context, options.keepSpecialComments, options.keepBreaks, options.sourceMap);
var expressionsProcessor = new ExpressionsProcessor(options.sourceMap);
var freeTextProcessor = new FreeTextProcessor(options.sourceMap);
var urlsProcessor = new UrlsProcessor(context, options.sourceMap, options.compatibility.properties.urlQuotes);
var stringify = options.sourceMap ? sourceMapStringify : simpleStringify;
var run = function (processor, action) {
data = typeof processor == 'function' ?
processor(data) :
if (options.benchmark)
run = benchmark(run);
run(commentsProcessor, 'escape');
run(expressionsProcessor, 'escape');
run(urlsProcessor, 'escape');
run(freeTextProcessor, 'escape');
function restoreEscapes(data, prefixContent) {
data = freeTextProcessor.restore(data, prefixContent);
data = urlsProcessor.restore(data);
data = options.rebase ? rebaseUrls(data, context) : data;
data = expressionsProcessor.restore(data);
return commentsProcessor.restore(data);
var tokens = tokenize(data, context);
simpleOptimize(tokens, options, context);
if (options.advanced)
advancedOptimize(tokens, options, context, true);
return stringify(tokens, options, restoreEscapes, context.inputSourceMapTracker);