456 lines
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456 lines
14 KiB
6 years ago
'use strict';
const CServer = require('mongodb-core').Server;
const Cursor = require('../cursor');
const TopologyBase = require('./topology_base').TopologyBase;
const Store = require('./topology_base').Store;
const MongoError = require('mongodb-core').MongoError;
const MAX_JS_INT = require('../utils').MAX_JS_INT;
const translateOptions = require('../utils').translateOptions;
const filterOptions = require('../utils').filterOptions;
const mergeOptions = require('../utils').mergeOptions;
* @fileOverview The **Server** class is a class that represents a single server topology and is
* used to construct connections.
* **Server Should not be used, use MongoClient.connect**
// Allowed parameters
var legalOptionNames = [
* Creates a new Server instance
* @class
* @deprecated
* @param {string} host The host for the server, can be either an IP4, IP6 or domain socket style host.
* @param {number} [port] The server port if IP4.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {number} [options.poolSize=5] Number of connections in the connection pool for each server instance, set to 5 as default for legacy reasons.
* @param {boolean} [options.ssl=false] Use ssl connection (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support)
* @param {boolean} [options.sslValidate=false] Validate mongod server certificate against ca (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
* @param {boolean|function} [options.checkServerIdentity=true] Ensure we check server identify during SSL, set to false to disable checking. Only works for Node 0.12.x or higher. You can pass in a boolean or your own checkServerIdentity override function.
* @param {array} [options.sslCA] Array of valid certificates either as Buffers or Strings (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
* @param {array} [options.sslCRL] Array of revocation certificates either as Buffers or Strings (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
* @param {(Buffer|string)} [options.sslCert] String or buffer containing the certificate we wish to present (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
* @param {string} [options.ciphers] Passed directly through to tls.createSecureContext. See https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v9.x/docs/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options for more info.
* @param {string} [options.ecdhCurve] Passed directly through to tls.createSecureContext. See https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v9.x/docs/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options for more info.
* @param {(Buffer|string)} [options.sslKey] String or buffer containing the certificate private key we wish to present (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
* @param {(Buffer|string)} [options.sslPass] String or buffer containing the certificate password (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
* @param {string} [options.servername] String containing the server name requested via TLS SNI.
* @param {object} [options.socketOptions] Socket options
* @param {boolean} [options.socketOptions.autoReconnect=true] Reconnect on error.
* @param {boolean} [options.socketOptions.noDelay=true] TCP Socket NoDelay option.
* @param {boolean} [options.socketOptions.keepAlive=true] TCP Connection keep alive enabled
* @param {number} [options.socketOptions.keepAliveInitialDelay=30000] The number of milliseconds to wait before initiating keepAlive on the TCP socket
* @param {number} [options.socketOptions.connectTimeoutMS=0] TCP Connection timeout setting
* @param {number} [options.socketOptions.socketTimeoutMS=0] TCP Socket timeout setting
* @param {number} [options.reconnectTries=30] Server attempt to reconnect #times
* @param {number} [options.reconnectInterval=1000] Server will wait # milliseconds between retries
* @param {number} [options.monitoring=true] Triggers the server instance to call ismaster
* @param {number} [options.haInterval=10000] The interval of calling ismaster when monitoring is enabled.
* @param {boolean} [options.domainsEnabled=false] Enable the wrapping of the callback in the current domain, disabled by default to avoid perf hit.
* @param {boolean} [options.monitorCommands=false] Enable command monitoring for this topology
* @fires Server#connect
* @fires Server#close
* @fires Server#error
* @fires Server#timeout
* @fires Server#parseError
* @fires Server#reconnect
* @fires Server#commandStarted
* @fires Server#commandSucceeded
* @fires Server#commandFailed
* @property {string} parserType the parser type used (c++ or js).
* @return {Server} a Server instance.
class Server extends TopologyBase {
constructor(host, port, options) {
var self = this;
// Filter the options
options = filterOptions(options, legalOptionNames);
// Promise library
const promiseLibrary = options.promiseLibrary;
// Stored options
var storeOptions = {
force: false,
typeof options.bufferMaxEntries === 'number' ? options.bufferMaxEntries : MAX_JS_INT
// Shared global store
var store = options.store || new Store(self, storeOptions);
// Detect if we have a socket connection
if (host.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
if (port != null && typeof port === 'object') {
options = port;
port = null;
} else if (port == null) {
throw MongoError.create({ message: 'port must be specified', driver: true });
// Get the reconnect option
var reconnect = typeof options.auto_reconnect === 'boolean' ? options.auto_reconnect : true;
reconnect = typeof options.autoReconnect === 'boolean' ? options.autoReconnect : reconnect;
// Clone options
var clonedOptions = mergeOptions(
host: host,
port: port,
disconnectHandler: store,
cursorFactory: Cursor,
reconnect: reconnect,
emitError: typeof options.emitError === 'boolean' ? options.emitError : true,
size: typeof options.poolSize === 'number' ? options.poolSize : 5,
typeof options.monitorCommands === 'boolean' ? options.monitorCommands : false
// Translate any SSL options and other connectivity options
clonedOptions = translateOptions(clonedOptions, options);
// Socket options
var socketOptions =
options.socketOptions && Object.keys(options.socketOptions).length > 0
? options.socketOptions
: options;
// Translate all the options to the mongodb-core ones
clonedOptions = translateOptions(clonedOptions, socketOptions);
// Build default client information
clonedOptions.clientInfo = this.clientInfo;
// Do we have an application specific string
if (options.appname) {
clonedOptions.clientInfo.application = { name: options.appname };
// Define the internal properties
this.s = {
// Create an instance of a server instance from mongodb-core
coreTopology: new CServer(clonedOptions),
// Server capabilities
sCapabilities: null,
// Cloned options
clonedOptions: clonedOptions,
// Reconnect
reconnect: clonedOptions.reconnect,
// Emit error
emitError: clonedOptions.emitError,
// Pool size
poolSize: clonedOptions.size,
// Store Options
storeOptions: storeOptions,
// Store
store: store,
// Host
host: host,
// Port
port: port,
// Options
options: options,
// Server Session Pool
sessionPool: null,
// Active client sessions
sessions: [],
// Promise library
promiseLibrary: promiseLibrary || Promise
// Connect
connect(_options, callback) {
var self = this;
if ('function' === typeof _options) (callback = _options), (_options = {});
if (_options == null) _options = this.s.clonedOptions;
if (!('function' === typeof callback)) callback = null;
_options = Object.assign({}, this.s.clonedOptions, _options);
self.s.options = _options;
// Update bufferMaxEntries
self.s.storeOptions.bufferMaxEntries =
typeof _options.bufferMaxEntries === 'number' ? _options.bufferMaxEntries : -1;
// Error handler
var connectErrorHandler = function() {
return function(err) {
// Remove all event handlers
var events = ['timeout', 'error', 'close'];
events.forEach(function(e) {
self.s.coreTopology.removeListener(e, connectHandlers[e]);
self.s.coreTopology.removeListener('connect', connectErrorHandler);
// Try to callback
try {
} catch (err) {
process.nextTick(function() {
throw err;
// Actual handler
var errorHandler = function(event) {
return function(err) {
if (event !== 'error') {
self.emit(event, err);
// Error handler
var reconnectHandler = function() {
self.emit('reconnect', self);
// Reconnect failed
var reconnectFailedHandler = function(err) {
self.emit('reconnectFailed', err);
// Destroy called on topology, perform cleanup
var destroyHandler = function() {
// relay the event
var relay = function(event) {
return function(t, server) {
self.emit(event, t, server);
// Connect handler
var connectHandler = function() {
// Clear out all the current handlers left over
['timeout', 'error', 'close', 'destroy'].forEach(function(e) {
// Set up listeners
self.s.coreTopology.on('timeout', errorHandler('timeout'));
self.s.coreTopology.once('error', errorHandler('error'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('close', errorHandler('close'));
// Only called on destroy
self.s.coreTopology.on('destroy', destroyHandler);
// Emit open event
self.emit('open', null, self);
// Return correctly
try {
callback(null, self);
} catch (err) {
process.nextTick(function() {
throw err;
// Set up listeners
var connectHandlers = {
timeout: connectErrorHandler('timeout'),
error: connectErrorHandler('error'),
close: connectErrorHandler('close')
// Clear out all the current handlers left over
].forEach(function(e) {
// Add the event handlers
self.s.coreTopology.once('timeout', connectHandlers.timeout);
self.s.coreTopology.once('error', connectHandlers.error);
self.s.coreTopology.once('close', connectHandlers.close);
self.s.coreTopology.once('connect', connectHandler);
// Reconnect server
self.s.coreTopology.on('reconnect', reconnectHandler);
self.s.coreTopology.on('reconnectFailed', reconnectFailedHandler);
// Set up SDAM listeners
self.s.coreTopology.on('serverDescriptionChanged', relay('serverDescriptionChanged'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('serverHeartbeatStarted', relay('serverHeartbeatStarted'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('serverHeartbeatSucceeded', relay('serverHeartbeatSucceeded'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('serverHeartbeatFailed', relay('serverHeartbeatFailed'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('serverOpening', relay('serverOpening'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('serverClosed', relay('serverClosed'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('topologyOpening', relay('topologyOpening'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('topologyClosed', relay('topologyClosed'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('topologyDescriptionChanged', relay('topologyDescriptionChanged'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('commandStarted', relay('commandStarted'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('commandSucceeded', relay('commandSucceeded'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('commandFailed', relay('commandFailed'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('attemptReconnect', relay('attemptReconnect'));
self.s.coreTopology.on('monitoring', relay('monitoring'));
// Start connection
Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'poolSize', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.coreTopology.connections().length;
Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'autoReconnect', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.reconnect;
Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'host', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.host;
Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'port', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.port;
* Server connect event
* @event Server#connect
* @type {object}
* Server close event
* @event Server#close
* @type {object}
* Server reconnect event
* @event Server#reconnect
* @type {object}
* Server error event
* @event Server#error
* @type {MongoError}
* Server timeout event
* @event Server#timeout
* @type {object}
* Server parseError event
* @event Server#parseError
* @type {object}
* An event emitted indicating a command was started, if command monitoring is enabled
* @event Server#commandStarted
* @type {object}
* An event emitted indicating a command succeeded, if command monitoring is enabled
* @event Server#commandSucceeded
* @type {object}
* An event emitted indicating a command failed, if command monitoring is enabled
* @event Server#commandFailed
* @type {object}
module.exports = Server;