342 lines
11 KiB
342 lines
11 KiB
6 years ago
'use strict';
var EspowerLocationDetector = require('espower-location-detector');
var estraverse = require('estraverse');
var cloneWithWhitelist = require('espurify').cloneWithWhitelist;
var babelgen = require('babel-generator');
var define = require('./define-properties');
var toBeCaptured = require('./to-be-captured');
var toBeSkipped = require('./to-be-skipped');
var fs = require('fs');
var helperCode = '(' +
fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('./power-assert-recorder.js'), 'utf8')
+ ')()';
function BabelAssertionVisitor (babel, matcher, options) {
this.babel = babel;
this.matcher = matcher;
this.options = options;
this.currentArgumentNodePath = null;
this.argumentModified = false;
this.valueRecorder = null;
this.locationDetector = new EspowerLocationDetector(this.options);
var babelTemplate = babel.template;
this.helperTemplate = babelTemplate(helperCode);
var whiteListWithRange = Object.keys(options.astWhiteList).reduce(function (acc, key) {
acc[key] = options.astWhiteList[key].concat(['range']);
return acc;
}, {});
this.purifyAst = cloneWithWhitelist(whiteListWithRange);
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.enter = function (nodePath) {
this.assertionNodePath = nodePath;
var currentNode = nodePath.node;
this.location = this.locationDetector.locationFor(currentNode);
var enclosingFunc = this.findEnclosingFunction(nodePath);
this.withinGenerator = enclosingFunc && enclosingFunc.generator;
this.withinAsync = enclosingFunc && enclosingFunc.async;
this.generateCanonicalCode(nodePath, currentNode); // should be next to enclosingFunc detection
// store original espath for each node
var visitorKeys = this.options.visitorKeys;
estraverse.traverse(currentNode, {
keys: visitorKeys,
enter: function (node) {
if (this.path()) {
var espath = this.path().join('/');
define(node, { _espowerEspath: espath });
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.enterArgument = function (nodePath) {
var currentNode = nodePath.node;
var parentNode = nodePath.parent;
var argMatchResult = this.matcher.matchArgument(currentNode, parentNode);
if (!argMatchResult) {
if (argMatchResult.name === 'message' && argMatchResult.kind === 'optional') {
// skip optional message argument
// create recorder per argument
this.valueRecorder = this.createNewRecorder(nodePath);
// entering target argument
this.currentArgumentNodePath = nodePath;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.leave = function (nodePath) {
var currentNode = nodePath.node;
var visitorKeys = this.options.visitorKeys;
estraverse.traverse(currentNode, {
keys: visitorKeys,
enter: function (node) {
delete node._espowerEspath;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.leaveArgument = function (resultTree) {
try {
return this.argumentModified ? this.captureArgument(resultTree) : resultTree;
} finally {
this.currentArgumentNodePath = null;
this.argumentModified = false;
this.valueRecorder = null;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.captureNode = function (nodePath) {
var currentNode = nodePath.node;
var t = this.babel.types;
this.argumentModified = true;
var relativeEsPath = currentNode._espowerEspath;
var newNode = t.callExpression(
t.memberExpression(this.valueRecorder, t.identifier('_capt')),
define(newNode, { _generatedByEspower: true });
return newNode;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.toBeSkipped = function (nodePath) {
return toBeSkipped(this.babel.types, nodePath);
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.toBeCaptured = function (nodePath) {
return toBeCaptured(this.babel.types, nodePath);
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.isArgumentModified = function () {
return !!this.argumentModified;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.isCapturingArgument = function () {
return !!this.currentArgumentNodePath;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.isLeavingAssertion = function (nodePath) {
return this.assertionNodePath === nodePath;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.isLeavingArgument = function (nodePath) {
return this.currentArgumentNodePath === nodePath;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.isGeneratedNode = function (nodePath) {
var currentNode = nodePath.node;
return !!currentNode._generatedByEspower;
// internal
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.generateCanonicalCode = function (nodePath, node) {
var file = nodePath.hub.file;
var gen = new babelgen.CodeGenerator(node, { concise: true, comments: false });
var output = gen.generate();
this.canonicalCode = output.code;
if (!this.options.embedAst) {
var astAndTokens = this.parseCanonicalCode(file, this.canonicalCode);
this.ast = JSON.stringify(this.purifyAst(astAndTokens.expression));
this.tokens = JSON.stringify(astAndTokens.tokens);
var _this = this;
var types = this.babel.types;
this.visitorKeys = this.getOrCreateNode(nodePath, 'powerAssertVisitorKeys', function () {
return types.stringLiteral(JSON.stringify(_this.options.visitorKeys));
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.parseCanonicalCode = function (file, code) {
var ast, tokens;
function doParse(wrapper) {
var content = wrapper ? wrapper(code) : code;
var output = file.parse(content);
if (wrapper) {
ast = output.program.body[0].body;
tokens = output.tokens.slice(6, -2);
} else {
ast = output.program;
tokens = output.tokens.slice(0, -1);
if (this.withinAsync) {
} else if (this.withinGenerator) {
} else {
var exp = ast.body[0].expression;
var columnOffset = exp.loc.start.column;
var offsetTree = estraverse.replace(exp, {
keys: this.options.visitorKeys,
enter: function (eachNode) {
eachNode.range = [
eachNode.loc.start.column - columnOffset,
eachNode.loc.end.column - columnOffset
delete eachNode.loc;
return eachNode;
return {
tokens: offsetAndSlimDownTokens(tokens),
expression: offsetTree
function wrappedInGenerator (jsCode) {
return 'function *wrapper() { ' + jsCode + ' }';
function wrappedInAsync (jsCode) {
return 'async function wrapper() { ' + jsCode + ' }';
function offsetAndSlimDownTokens (tokens) {
var i, token, newToken, result = [];
var columnOffset;
for(i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 1) {
token = tokens[i];
if (i === 0) {
columnOffset = token.loc.start.column;
newToken = {
type: {
label: token.type.label
if (typeof token.value !== 'undefined') {
newToken.value = token.value;
newToken.range = [
token.loc.start.column - columnOffset,
token.loc.end.column - columnOffset
return result;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.captureArgument = function (node) {
var t = this.babel.types;
var props = {
content: this.canonicalCode,
filepath: this.location.source,
line: this.location.line
if (this.withinAsync) {
props.async = true;
if (this.withinGenerator) {
props.generator = true;
if (this.ast) {
props.ast = this.ast;
if (this.tokens) {
props.tokens = this.tokens;
var propsNode = t.valueToNode(props);
if (this.visitorKeys) {
var visitorKeysNode = t.objectProperty(t.identifier('visitorKeys'), this.visitorKeys);
var newNode = t.callExpression(
t.memberExpression(this.valueRecorder, t.identifier('_expr')),
define(newNode, { _generatedByEspower: true });
return newNode;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.verifyNotInstrumented = function (currentNode) {
var types = this.babel.types;
if (!types.isCallExpression(currentNode)) {
if (!types.isMemberExpression(currentNode.callee)) {
var prop = currentNode.callee.property;
if (types.isIdentifier(prop) && prop.name === '_expr') {
var errorMessage = '[espower] Attempted to transform AST twice.';
if (this.options.path) {
errorMessage += ' path: ' + this.options.path;
throw new Error(errorMessage);
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.createNewRecorder = function (nodePath) {
var _this = this;
var types = this.babel.types;
var helperNameNode = this.getOrCreateNode(nodePath, 'powerAssertRecorder', function () {
return types.toExpression(_this.helperTemplate());
var recorderIdent = nodePath.scope.generateUidIdentifier('rec');
define(recorderIdent, { _generatedByEspower: true });
var init = types.newExpression(helperNameNode, []);
define(init, { _generatedByEspower: true });
nodePath.scope.push({ id: recorderIdent, init: init });
return recorderIdent;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.getOrCreateNode = function (nodePath, keyName, generateNode) {
var file = nodePath.hub.file;
var ident = file.get(keyName);
if (!ident) {
ident = this.createNode(nodePath, keyName, generateNode);
// helperNameNode = file.addImport('power-assert-runtime/recorder', 'default', 'recorder');
return ident;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.createNode = function (nodePath, keyName, generateNode) {
var file = nodePath.hub.file;
var programScope = nodePath.scope.getProgramParent();
var ident = programScope.generateUidIdentifier(keyName);
define(ident, { _generatedByEspower: true });
file.set(keyName, ident);
var generatedNode = generateNode();
var visitorKeys = this.options.visitorKeys;
estraverse.traverse(generatedNode, {
keys: visitorKeys,
enter: function (node) {
define(node, { _generatedByEspower: true });
generatedNode._compact = true;
programScope.push({ id: ident, init: generatedNode });
return ident;
BabelAssertionVisitor.prototype.findEnclosingFunction = function (nodePath) {
if (!nodePath) {
return null;
if (this.babel.types.isFunction(nodePath.node)) {
return nodePath.node;
return this.findEnclosingFunction(nodePath.parentPath);
module.exports = BabelAssertionVisitor;