var NotAsync = {} ; var asyncExit = /^async[\t ]+(return|throw)/ ; var asyncFunction = /^async[\t ]+function/ ; var atomOrPropertyOrLabel = /^\s*[():;]/ ; var removeComments = /([^\n])\/\*(\*(?!\/)|[^\n*])*\*\/([^\n])/g ; var matchAsyncGet = /\s*(get|set)\s*\(/ ; function hasLineTerminatorBeforeNext(st, since) { return st.lineStart >= since; } function test(regex,st,noComment) { var src = st.input.slice(st.start) ; if (noComment) { src = src.replace(removeComments,"$1 $3") ; } return regex.test(src); } /* Create a new parser derived from the specified parser, so that in the * event of an error we can back out and try again */ function subParse(parser, pos, extensions,parens) { var p = new parser.constructor(parser.options, parser.input, pos); if (extensions) for (var k in extensions) p[k] = extensions[k] ; var src = parser ; var dest = p ; ['inFunction','inAsyncFunction','inAsync','inGenerator','inModule'].forEach(function(k){ if (k in src) dest[k] = src[k] ; }) ; if (parens) p.options.preserveParens = true ; p.nextToken(); return p; } //TODO: Implement option noAsyncGetters function asyncAwaitPlugin (parser,options){ var es7check = function(){} ; parser.extend("initialContext",function(base){ return function(){ if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 7) { es7check = function(node) { parser.raise(node.start,"async/await keywords only available when ecmaVersion>=7") ; } ; } this.reservedWords = new RegExp(this.reservedWords.toString().replace(/await|async/g,"").replace("|/","/").replace("/|","/").replace("||","|")) ; this.reservedWordsStrict = new RegExp(this.reservedWordsStrict.toString().replace(/await|async/g,"").replace("|/","/").replace("/|","/").replace("||","|")) ; this.reservedWordsStrictBind = new RegExp(this.reservedWordsStrictBind.toString().replace(/await|async/g,"").replace("|/","/").replace("/|","/").replace("||","|")) ; this.inAsyncFunction = options.inAsyncFunction ; if (options.awaitAnywhere && options.inAsyncFunction) parser.raise(node.start,"The options awaitAnywhere and inAsyncFunction are mutually exclusive") ; return base.apply(this,arguments); } }) ; parser.extend("shouldParseExportStatement",function(base){ return function(){ if (this.type.label==='name' && this.value==='async' && test(asyncFunction,this)) { return true ; } return base.apply(this,arguments) ; } }) ; parser.extend("parseStatement",function(base){ return function (declaration, topLevel) { var start = this.start; var startLoc = this.startLoc; if (this.type.label==='name') { if (test(asyncFunction,this,true)) { var wasAsync = this.inAsyncFunction ; try { this.inAsyncFunction = true ; ; var r = this.parseStatement(declaration, topLevel) ; r.async = true ; r.start = start; r.loc && (r.loc.start = startLoc); r.range && (r.range[0] = start); return r ; } finally { this.inAsyncFunction = wasAsync ; } } else if ((typeof options==="object" && options.asyncExits) && test(asyncExit,this)) { // NON-STANDARD EXTENSION iff. options.asyncExits is set, the // extensions 'async return ?' and 'async throw ?' // are enabled. In each case they are the standard ESTree nodes // with the flag 'async:true' ; var r = this.parseStatement(declaration, topLevel) ; r.async = true ; r.start = start; r.loc && (r.loc.start = startLoc); r.range && (r.range[0] = start); return r ; } } return base.apply(this,arguments); } }) ; parser.extend("parseIdent",function(base){ return function(liberal){ var id = base.apply(this,arguments); if (this.inAsyncFunction &&'await') { if (arguments.length===0) { this.raise(id.start,"'await' is reserved within async functions") ; } } return id ; } }) ; parser.extend("parseExprAtom",function(base){ return function(refShorthandDefaultPos){ var start = this.start ; var startLoc = this.startLoc; var rhs,r = base.apply(this,arguments); if (r.type==='Identifier') { if ('async' && !hasLineTerminatorBeforeNext(this, r.end)) { // Is this really an async function? var isAsync = this.inAsyncFunction ; try { this.inAsyncFunction = true ; var pp = this ; var inBody = false ; var parseHooks = { parseFunctionBody:function(node,isArrowFunction){ try { var wasInBody = inBody ; inBody = true ; return pp.parseFunctionBody.apply(this,arguments) ; } finally { inBody = wasInBody ; } }, raise:function(){ try { return pp.raise.apply(this,arguments) ; } catch(ex) { throw inBody?ex:NotAsync ; } } } ; rhs = subParse(this,this.start,parseHooks,true).parseExpression() ; if (rhs.type==='SequenceExpression') rhs = rhs.expressions[0] ; if (rhs.type === 'CallExpression') rhs = rhs.callee ; if (rhs.type==='FunctionExpression' || rhs.type==='FunctionDeclaration' || rhs.type==='ArrowFunctionExpression') { // Because we don't know if the top level parser supprts preserveParens, we have to re-parse // without it set rhs = subParse(this,this.start,parseHooks).parseExpression() ; if (rhs.type==='SequenceExpression') rhs = rhs.expressions[0] ; if (rhs.type === 'CallExpression') rhs = rhs.callee ; rhs.async = true ; rhs.start = start; rhs.loc && (rhs.loc.start = startLoc); rhs.range && (rhs.range[0] = start); this.pos = rhs.end; this.end = rhs.end ; this.endLoc = rhs.endLoc ;; es7check(rhs) ; return rhs ; } } catch (ex) { if (ex!==NotAsync) throw ex ; } finally { this.inAsyncFunction = isAsync ; } } else if ('await') { var n = this.startNodeAt(r.start, r.loc && r.loc.start); if (this.inAsyncFunction) { rhs = this.parseExprSubscripts() ; n.operator = 'await' ; n.argument = rhs ; n = this.finishNodeAt(n,'AwaitExpression', rhs.end, rhs.loc && rhs.loc.end) ; es7check(n) ; return n ; } // NON-STANDARD EXTENSION iff. options.awaitAnywhere is true, // an 'AwaitExpression' is allowed anywhere the token 'await' // could not be an identifier with the name 'await'. // Look-ahead to see if this is really a property or label called async or await if (this.input.slice(r.end).match(atomOrPropertyOrLabel)) { if (!options.awaitAnywhere && this.options.sourceType === 'module') return this.raise(r.start,"'await' is reserved within modules") ; return r ; // This is a valid property name or label } if (typeof options==="object" && options.awaitAnywhere) { start = this.start ; rhs = subParse(this,start-4).parseExprSubscripts() ; if (rhs.end<=start) { rhs = subParse(this,start).parseExprSubscripts() ; n.operator = 'await' ; n.argument = rhs ; n = this.finishNodeAt(n,'AwaitExpression', rhs.end, rhs.loc && rhs.loc.end) ; this.pos = rhs.end; this.end = rhs.end ; this.endLoc = rhs.endLoc ;; es7check(n) ; return n ; } } if (!options.awaitAnywhere && this.options.sourceType === 'module') return this.raise(r.start,"'await' is reserved within modules") ; } } return r ; } }) ; parser.extend('finishNodeAt',function(base){ return function(node,type,pos,loc) { if (node.__asyncValue) { delete node.__asyncValue ; node.value.async = true ; } return base.apply(this,arguments) ; } }) ; parser.extend('finishNode',function(base){ return function(node,type) { if (node.__asyncValue) { delete node.__asyncValue ; node.value.async = true ; } return base.apply(this,arguments) ; } }) ; var allowedPropSpecifiers = { get:true, set:true, async:true }; parser.extend("parsePropertyName",function(base){ return function (prop) { var prevName = prop.key && ; var key = base.apply(this,arguments) ; if (key.type === "Identifier" && ( === "async") && !hasLineTerminatorBeforeNext(this, key.end)) { // Look-ahead to see if this is really a property or label called async or await if (!this.input.slice(key.end).match(atomOrPropertyOrLabel)){ // Cheese - eliminate the cases 'async get(){}' and async set(){}' if (matchAsyncGet.test(this.input.slice(key.end))) { key = base.apply(this,arguments) ; prop.__asyncValue = true ; } else { es7check(prop) ; if (prop.kind === 'set') this.raise(key.start,"'set (value)' cannot be be async") ; key = base.apply(this,arguments) ; if (key.type==='Identifier') { if ('set') this.raise(key.start,"'set (value)' cannot be be async") ; } prop.__asyncValue = true ; } } } return key; }; }) ; parser.extend("parseClassMethod",function(base){ return function (classBody, method, isGenerator) { var wasAsync ; if (method.__asyncValue) { if (method.kind==='constructor') this.raise(method.start,"class constructor() cannot be be async") ; wasAsync = this.inAsyncFunction ; this.inAsyncFunction = true ; } var r = base.apply(this,arguments) ; this.inAsyncFunction = wasAsync ; return r ; } }) ; parser.extend("parseMethod",function(base){ return function (isGenerator) { var wasAsync ; if (this.__currentProperty && this.__currentProperty.__asyncValue) { wasAsync = this.inAsyncFunction ; this.inAsyncFunction = true ; } var r = base.apply(this,arguments) ; this.inAsyncFunction = wasAsync ; return r ; } }) ; parser.extend("parsePropertyValue",function(base){ return function (prop, isPattern, isGenerator, startPos, startLoc, refDestructuringErrors) { var prevProp = this.__currentProperty ; this.__currentProperty = prop ; var wasAsync ; if (prop.__asyncValue) { wasAsync = this.inAsyncFunction ; this.inAsyncFunction = true ; } var r = base.apply(this,arguments) ; this.inAsyncFunction = wasAsync ; this.__currentProperty = prevProp ; return r ; } }) ; } module.exports = asyncAwaitPlugin ;