Changelog ========= v0.6.0 ------ - Updated "devDependencies" versions to fix vulnerability alerts - Dropped support of io.js and node.js v0.12.x and lower since new versions of "devDependencies" couldn't work with those old node.js versions (minimal supported version of node.js now is v4.0.0) v0.5.1 ------ - Fix prototype pollution vulnerability (thanks to @mwakerman for the PR) - Avoid using deprecated Buffer API (thanks to @ChALkeR for the PR) v0.5.0 ------ - Auto-testing provided by Travis CI; - Support older Node.JS versions (`v0.11.x` and `v0.10.x`); - Removed tests files from npm package. v0.4.2 ------ - Fix for `null` as an argument. v0.4.1 ------ - Removed test code from <b>npm</b> package ([see pull request #21](; - Increased minimal version of Node from `0.4.0` to `0.12.0` (because can't run tests on lesser version anyway). v0.4.0 ------ - **WARNING!** Broken backward compatibility with `v0.3.x`; - Fixed bug with extending arrays instead of cloning; - Deep cloning for arrays; - Check for own property; - Fixed some documentation issues; - Strict JS mode.