400 lines
12 KiB

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var http = require('http');
var https = require('https');
var url = require('url');
var rewriteUrls = require('../urls/rewrite');
var split = require('../utils/split');
var override = require('../utils/object.js').override;
var MAP_MARKER = /\/\*# sourceMappingURL=(\S+) \*\//;
var REMOTE_RESOURCE = /^(https?:)?\/\//;
function ImportInliner (context) {
this.outerContext = context;
ImportInliner.prototype.process = function (data, context) {
var root = this.outerContext.options.root;
context = override(context, {
baseRelativeTo: this.outerContext.options.relativeTo || root,
debug: this.outerContext.options.debug,
done: [],
errors: this.outerContext.errors,
left: [],
inliner: this.outerContext.options.inliner,
rebase: this.outerContext.options.rebase,
relativeTo: this.outerContext.options.relativeTo || root,
root: root,
sourceReader: this.outerContext.sourceReader,
sourceTracker: this.outerContext.sourceTracker,
warnings: this.outerContext.warnings,
visited: []
return importFrom(data, context);
function importFrom(data, context) {
if (context.shallow) {
context.shallow = false;
return processNext(context);
var nextStart = 0;
var nextEnd = 0;
var cursor = 0;
var isComment = commentScanner(data);
for (; nextEnd < data.length;) {
nextStart = nextImportAt(data, cursor);
if (nextStart == -1)
if (isComment(nextStart)) {
cursor = nextStart + 1;
nextEnd = data.indexOf(';', nextStart);
if (nextEnd == -1) {
cursor = data.length;
data = '';
var noImportPart = data.substring(0, nextStart);
context.left.unshift([data.substring(nextEnd + 1), override(context, { shallow: false })]);
context.afterContent = hasContent(noImportPart);
return inline(data, nextStart, nextEnd, context);
// no @import matched in current data
return processNext(context);
function rebaseMap(data, source) {
return data.replace(MAP_MARKER, function (match, sourceMapUrl) {
return REMOTE_RESOURCE.test(sourceMapUrl) ?
match :
match.replace(sourceMapUrl, url.resolve(source, sourceMapUrl));
function nextImportAt(data, cursor) {
var nextLowerCase = data.indexOf('@import', cursor);
var nextUpperCase = data.indexOf('@IMPORT', cursor);
if (nextLowerCase > -1 && nextUpperCase == -1)
return nextLowerCase;
else if (nextLowerCase == -1 && nextUpperCase > -1)
return nextUpperCase;
return Math.min(nextLowerCase, nextUpperCase);
function processNext(context) {
return context.left.length > 0 ?
importFrom.apply(null, context.left.shift()) :
function commentScanner(data) {
var commentRegex = /(\/\*(?!\*\/)[\s\S]*?\*\/)/;
var lastStartIndex = 0;
var lastEndIndex = 0;
var noComments = false;
// test whether an index is located within a comment
return function scanner(idx) {
var comment;
var localStartIndex = 0;
var localEndIndex = 0;
var globalStartIndex = 0;
var globalEndIndex = 0;
// return if we know there are no more comments
if (noComments)
return false;
do {
// idx can be still within last matched comment (many @import statements inside one comment)
if (idx > lastStartIndex && idx < lastEndIndex)
return true;
comment = data.match(commentRegex);
if (!comment) {
noComments = true;
return false;
// get the indexes relative to the current data chunk
lastStartIndex = localStartIndex = comment.index;
localEndIndex = localStartIndex + comment[0].length;
// calculate the indexes relative to the full original data
globalEndIndex = localEndIndex + lastEndIndex;
globalStartIndex = globalEndIndex - comment[0].length;
// chop off data up to and including current comment block
data = data.substring(localEndIndex);
lastEndIndex = globalEndIndex;
} while (globalEndIndex < idx);
return globalEndIndex > idx && idx > globalStartIndex;
function hasContent(data) {
var isComment = commentScanner(data);
var firstContentIdx = -1;
while (true) {
firstContentIdx = data.indexOf('{', firstContentIdx + 1);
if (firstContentIdx == -1 || !isComment(firstContentIdx))
return firstContentIdx > -1;
function inline(data, nextStart, nextEnd, context) {
context.shallow = data.indexOf('@shallow') > 0;
var importDeclaration = data
.substring(nextImportAt(data, nextStart) + '@import'.length + 1, nextEnd)
.replace(/@shallow\)$/, ')')
var viaUrl = importDeclaration.indexOf('url(') === 0;
var urlStartsAt = viaUrl ? 4 : 0;
var isQuoted = /^['"]/.exec(importDeclaration.substring(urlStartsAt, urlStartsAt + 2));
var urlEndsAt = isQuoted ?
importDeclaration.indexOf(isQuoted[0], urlStartsAt + 1) :
split(importDeclaration, ' ')[0].length - (viaUrl ? 1 : 0);
var importedFile = importDeclaration
.substring(urlStartsAt, urlEndsAt)
.replace(/['"]/g, '')
.replace(/\)$/, '')
var mediaQuery = importDeclaration
.substring(urlEndsAt + 1)
.replace(/^\)/, '')
var isRemote = context.isRemote || REMOTE_RESOURCE.test(importedFile);
if (isRemote && (context.localOnly || !allowedResource(importedFile, true, context.imports))) {
if (context.afterContent || hasContent(context.done.join('')))
context.warnings.push('Ignoring remote @import of "' + importedFile + '" as no callback given.');
restoreImport(importedFile, mediaQuery, context);
return processNext(context);
if (!isRemote && !allowedResource(importedFile, false, context.imports)) {
if (context.afterImport)
context.warnings.push('Ignoring local @import of "' + importedFile + '" as after other inlined content.');
restoreImport(importedFile, mediaQuery, context);
return processNext(context);
if (!isRemote && context.afterContent) {
context.warnings.push('Ignoring local @import of "' + importedFile + '" as after other CSS content.');
return processNext(context);
var method = isRemote ? inlineRemoteResource : inlineLocalResource;
return method(importedFile, mediaQuery, context);
function allowedResource(importedFile, isRemote, rules) {
if (rules.length === 0)
return false;
if (isRemote && NO_PROTOCOL_RESOURCE.test(importedFile))
importedFile = 'http:' + importedFile;
var match = isRemote ?
url.parse(importedFile).host :
var allowed = true;
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
var rule = rules[i];
if (rule == 'all')
allowed = true;
else if (isRemote && rule == 'local')
allowed = false;
else if (isRemote && rule == 'remote')
allowed = true;
else if (!isRemote && rule == 'remote')
allowed = false;
else if (!isRemote && rule == 'local')
allowed = true;
else if (rule[0] == '!' && rule.substring(1) === match)
allowed = false;
return allowed;
function inlineRemoteResource(importedFile, mediaQuery, context) {
var importedUrl = REMOTE_RESOURCE.test(importedFile) ?
importedFile :
url.resolve(context.relativeTo, importedFile);
var originalUrl = importedUrl;
if (NO_PROTOCOL_RESOURCE.test(importedUrl))
importedUrl = 'http:' + importedUrl;
if (context.visited.indexOf(importedUrl) > -1)
return processNext(context);
if (context.debug)
console.error('Inlining remote stylesheet: ' + importedUrl);
var proxyProtocol = context.inliner.request.protocol || context.inliner.request.hostname;
var get =
((proxyProtocol && proxyProtocol.indexOf('https://') !== 0 ) ||
importedUrl.indexOf('http://') === 0) ?
http.get :
var errorHandled = false;
function handleError(message) {
if (errorHandled)
errorHandled = true;
context.errors.push('Broken @import declaration of "' + importedUrl + '" - ' + message);
restoreImport(importedUrl, mediaQuery, context);
process.nextTick(function () {
var requestOptions = override(url.parse(importedUrl), context.inliner.request);
if (context.inliner.request.hostname !== undefined) {
//overwrite as we always expect a http proxy currently
requestOptions.protocol = context.inliner.request.protocol || 'http:';
requestOptions.path = requestOptions.href;
get(requestOptions, function (res) {
if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode > 399) {
return handleError('error ' + res.statusCode);
} else if (res.statusCode > 299) {
var movedUrl = url.resolve(importedUrl, res.headers.location);
return inlineRemoteResource(movedUrl, mediaQuery, context);
var chunks = [];
var parsedUrl = url.parse(importedUrl);
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
res.on('end', function () {
var importedData = chunks.join('');
if (context.rebase)
importedData = rewriteUrls(importedData, { toBase: originalUrl }, context);
context.sourceReader.trackSource(importedUrl, importedData);
importedData = context.sourceTracker.store(importedUrl, importedData);
importedData = rebaseMap(importedData, importedUrl);
if (mediaQuery.length > 0)
importedData = '@media ' + mediaQuery + '{' + importedData + '}';
context.afterImport = true;
var newContext = override(context, {
isRemote: true,
relativeTo: parsedUrl.protocol + '//' + parsedUrl.host + parsedUrl.pathname
process.nextTick(function () {
importFrom(importedData, newContext);
.on('error', function (res) {
.on('timeout', function () {
function inlineLocalResource(importedFile, mediaQuery, context) {
var relativeTo = importedFile[0] == '/' ?
context.root :
var fullPath = path.resolve(path.join(relativeTo, importedFile));
if (!fs.existsSync(fullPath) || !fs.statSync(fullPath).isFile()) {
context.errors.push('Broken @import declaration of "' + importedFile + '"');
return processNext(context);
if (context.visited.indexOf(fullPath) > -1)
return processNext(context);
if (context.debug)
console.error('Inlining local stylesheet: ' + fullPath);
var importRelativeTo = path.dirname(fullPath);
var importedData = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8');
if (context.rebase) {
var rewriteOptions = {
relative: true,
fromBase: importRelativeTo,
toBase: context.baseRelativeTo
importedData = rewriteUrls(importedData, rewriteOptions, context);
var relativePath = path.relative(context.root, fullPath);
context.sourceReader.trackSource(relativePath, importedData);
importedData = context.sourceTracker.store(relativePath, importedData);
if (mediaQuery.length > 0)
importedData = '@media ' + mediaQuery + '{' + importedData + '}';
context.afterImport = true;
var newContext = override(context, {
relativeTo: importRelativeTo
return importFrom(importedData, newContext);
function restoreImport(importedUrl, mediaQuery, context) {
var restoredImport = '@import url(' + importedUrl + ')' + (mediaQuery.length > 0 ? ' ' + mediaQuery : '') + ';';
module.exports = ImportInliner;