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## RESTHeart Configuration File.
#### Listeners
# Listeners allow to specify the protocol, ip, port and to use.
# The supported protocols are: http, https and ajp. You can setup a listener per protocol (up to 3).
# WARNING: RESTHeart uses basic authentication; usernames and passwords are sent over the net on each request.
# Using the http listener is not secure: users credentials can be sniffed by a man-in-the-middle attack.
# Use the http listener only on trusted environments.
https-listener: true
https-port: 4443
http-listener: true
http-port: 8080
ajp-listener: false
ajp-port: 8009
#### Instance
# The name of this restheart instance. displayed in log, also allows to implement instance specific custom code
# For instance, an email notifier hook can send emails to a test email address in development environments
instance-name: {{{ instance-name }}}
# Optional base URL for the instance. When RESTHeart is exposed via a reverse-proxy
# or an API gateway it allows mapping the Location header correctly.
#instance-base-url: http://localhost
#### default representation format (PLAIN_JSON or HAL)
default-representation-format: {{{ default-representation-format }}}
#### use Ansi console for logging. Default to 'true' if parameter missing, for backward compatibility
ansi-console: true
#### Allow unescaped characters in URL
# Starting with Undertow 1.4.23 URLs validation became much stricter.
# However, this is breaking existing clients. Now you can decide which behaviour you prefer
allow-unescaped-characters-in-url: true
#### SSL Configuration
# Configure the keystore to enable the https listener.
# RESTHeart comes with a self-signed certificate that makes straightforward enabling https.
# Specify use-embedded-keystore: true to use it (this is the default setting).
# Using the self-signed certificate leads to issues with some clients;
# for instance, with curl you need to specify the "--insecure" option or you'll get an error message.
use-embedded-keystore: true
# To use your own certificate you need to import it (and eventually the CA certificates chain) into a java keystore
# and specify use-embedded-keystore: false and the keystore-file,keystore-password and certpassword configuration properties.
# Refer to the java keystore documentation for that.
#keystore-file: /path/to/keystore/file
#keystore-password: password
#certpassword: password
#### MongoDB
# Specify the mongodb connection using a Mongo Client URI.
# The format of the URI is:
# mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]
# The URI option authSource allows to specify the authetication database, example:
# mongodb://user:secret@
# More information at
# Be sure that the following credentials match with the
# WARNING: change in both files the below default credentials!
mongo-uri: {{{ mongo-uri }}}
# Use mongo-mounts to bind URls to mongodb resources using the out-of-the-box URL rewrite feature.
# The where URI can be an absolute path (eg. /api) or path template (eg. /{foo}/bar/*).
# The values of the path templates properties are available:
# - in the what property (e.g. what: /{foo}_db/coll)
# - programmatically from RequestContext.getPathTemplateParamenters() method.
# It is not possible to mix absolute paths and path templates: where URIs need to be
# either all absolute paths or all path templates.
- what: "*"
where: /
#### Static Web Resources
# Static web resources to bind to the specified URL.
# The 'what' property is the path of the directory containing the resources.
# The path is either absolute (starting with /) or relative to the restheart.jar directory
# If embedded is true, the resources are either included in the restheart.jar or in the classpath
- what: browser
where: /browser
welcome-file: browser.html
secured: false
embedded: true
### Initializer
# A custom initializer implmenting the org.restheart.init.Initializer interface
# Can be used to inizialize data or add global transformers, checkers or security predicates
# See org.restheart.init.TestInitializer for a simple example
#initializer-class: org.restheart.init.TestInitializer
#### Application Logic
# RESTHeart has a pipeline architecture where specialized undertow handlers are chained to serve the requests.
# In order to provide additional application logic, custom hanlders pipes can be bound under the /_logic URL.
# The custom hanlder must extends the org.restheart.handlers.ApplicationLogicHandler class
# Use application-logic-mounts to configure custom handlers.
# In the following example two built-in application logic handlers are defined:
# PingHandler bound to /_logic/ping that implements a simple ping service
# GetRoleHandler bound to /_logic/roles that returns the current user authentication status and eventually its roles
# CacheInvalidator bound to /_logic/ic that invalidates a db or collection cache entry
- what: org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.PingHandler
where: /ping
secured: false
msg: "ciao from the restheart team"
- what: org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.GetRoleHandler
where: /roles
secured: false
url: /_logic/roles
- what: org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.CacheInvalidator
where: /ic
secured: true
- what: org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.CsvLoaderHandler
where: /csv
secured: true
### Metadata Named Singletons
# Metadata implementation can rely on singletons, this section configures the
# singleton factory #org.restheart.metadata.NamedSingletonsFactory
# checkers group used by handler:
# org.restheart.handlers.metadata.CheckMetadataHandler
# More information in checkers javadoc
- group: checkers
interface: org.restheart.metadata.checkers.Checker
- name: jsonSchema
class: org.restheart.metadata.checkers.JsonSchemaChecker
- name: checkContent
class: org.restheart.metadata.checkers.JsonPathConditionsChecker
- name: checkContentSize
class: org.restheart.metadata.checkers.ContentSizeChecker
# transformers group used by handlers:
# org.restheart.handlers.metadata.RequestTransformerMetadataHandler and
# org.restheart.handlers.metadata.ResponseTransformerMetadataHandler
# More information in transformers javadoc
- group: transformers
interface: org.restheart.metadata.transformers.Transformer
- name: addRequestProperties
class: org.restheart.metadata.transformers.RequestPropsInjecterTransformer
- name: filterProperties
class: org.restheart.metadata.transformers.FilterTransformer
- name: stringsToOids
class: org.restheart.metadata.transformers.ValidOidsStringsAsOidsTransformer
- name: oidsToStrings
class: org.restheart.metadata.transformers.OidsAsStringsTransformer
- name: writeResult
class: org.restheart.metadata.transformers.WriteResultTransformer
- name: hashProperties
class: org.restheart.metadata.transformers.HashTransformer
# hooks group used by handler:
# org.restheart.handlers.metadata.HookHandler
# More information in hook javadoc
- group: hooks
interface: org.restheart.metadata.hooks.Hook
- name: snooper
class: org.restheart.metadata.hooks.SnooperHook
### Security
# The security is configured by setting:
# idm: the Identity Manager responsible of authentication
# access-manager: the Access Manager responsible of authorization
# auth-mechanism: the additional Authentication Mechanism to use
# The RESTHeart security is pluggable and you can provide you own
# implementation of both IDM and AM. the provided default
# implementations of IDM and AM are SimpleFileIdentityManager,
# DbIdentityManager, JwtIdentityManager and SimpleAccessManager.
# conf-file paths are either absolute (starting with /)
# or relative to the restheart.jar directory
conf-file: ./etc/security.yml
conf-file: ./etc/security.yml
# RESTHeart uses the BasicAuthenticationMechanism by default.
# A different mechanism can be specified via the auth-mechanism configuration option
# the implementation-class must specify a factory class implementing
# the interface
# See
# JwtAuthenticationManagerFactory and IdentityAuthenticationManagerFactory
# for example implementations
# Identity Authentication Manager
# All requests are bound to the specified user
# implementation-class:
# username: a
# pwd: a
# Jwt Authentication Manager
# Authentication via Json Web Token
# algorithm: RSA (RS256 | RS384 |RS512) or HMAC (HS256 | HS384 | HS512)
# key: for RSA the base64 encoded of the public key; for HMAC, the secret key
# base64Encoded: set to true if the jwt token is base64 encoded. optional, default valud: false
# usernameClaim: the claim that holds the username. optional, default value: 'sub' (jwt subject).
# rolesClaim: the claim that holds the roles as string or array of strings
# issuer: verify the issues (iss claim). optional, default value matches: null (don't check iss)
# audience: verify the audience (aud claim). optional, default value matches: null (don't check aud)
# implementation-class:
# algorithm: HS256
# key: secret
# base64Encoded: false
# usernameClaim: sub
# rolesClaim: roles
# issuer: myIssuer
# audience: myAudience
# Authentication Token
# Note: you need to pay attention to the authentitcation token in case of multi-node deployments (horizontal scalability).
# In this case, you need to either disable it or use a load balancer with the sticky session option
# or use a distributed auth token cache implementation (not provided in the current version).
auth-token-enabled: {{{ auth-token-enabled }}}
auth-token-ttl: {{{ auth-token-ttl }}}
# Check if aggregation variables use operators. allowing operators in aggregation variables
# is risky. requester can inject operators modifying the query
aggregation-check-operators: true
#### Logging
# enable-log-console: true => log messages to the console (default value: true)
# enable-log-file: true => log messages to a file (default value: true)
# log-file-path: to specify the log file path (default value: restheart.log in system temporary directory)
# log-level: to set the log level. Value can be OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE and ALL. (default value is INFO)
# requests-log-level: log the request-response. 0 => no log, 1 => light log, 2 => detailed dump
# requests-log-trace-headers: add the HTTP headers you want to be put on the MDC for logback. Use with %X{header-name} in logback.xml.
# Useful for tracing support in the logs. Leave empty to deactivate this feature.
# metrics-gathering-level: metrics gathering for which level? OFF => no gathering, ROOT => gathering at root level,
# DATABASE => at db level, COLLECTION => at collection level
# WARNING: use requests-log-level level 2 only for development purposes, it logs user credentials (Authorization and Auth-Token headers)
enable-log-file: true
log-file-path: /var/log/restheart.log
enable-log-console: true
log-level: INFO
requests-log-level: 1
metrics-gathering-level: DATABASE
# - x-b3-traceid # vv Zipkin headers, see
# - x-b3-spanid
# - x-b3-parentspanid
# - x-b3-sampled # ^^
# - uber-trace-id # jaeger header, see
# - traceparent # vv headers, see
# - tracestate # ^^
#### ETag policy
# the following configuration defines the default etag check policy
# the policy applies for dbs, collections (also applies to file buckets) and documents
#### Performace Settings
## Read Performance
# default-pagesize is the number of documents returned when the pagesize query
# parameter is not specified
# see
default-pagesize: {{{ default-pagesize }}}
# max-pagesize sets the maximum allowed value of the pagesize query parameter
# generally, the greater the pagesize, the more json serializan overhead occurs
# the rule of thumb is not exeeding 1000
max-pagesize: 1000
# cursor-batch-size sets the mongodb cursor batchSize
# see
# cursor-batch-size should be smaller or equal to the max-pagesize
# the rule of thumb is setting cursor-batch-size equal to max-pagesize
# a small cursor-batch-size (e.g. 101, the default mongodb batchSize)
# speeds up requests with small pagesize
cursor-batch-size: 1000
## Eager DB Cursor Preallocation Policy
# In big collections, reading a far page involves skipping the db cursor for many documents resulting in a performance bottleneck
# For instance, with default pagesize of 100, a GET with page=50.000 involves 500.000 skips on the db cursor.
# The eager db cursor preallocation engine boosts up performaces (in some use cases, up to 1000%). the following options control its behavior.
eager-cursor-allocation-pool-size: 100
eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-width: 1000
eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-delta: 100
eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-heights: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
eager-cursor-allocation-random-max-cursors: 20
eager-cursor-allocation-random-slice-min-width: 1000
# In order to save bandwitdth RESTHeart can force requests to support the giz encoding (if not, requests will be rejected)
force-gzip-encoding: false
# local-cache allows to cache the db and collection properties to drammatically improve performaces.
# Without caching, a GET on a document would requires two additional queries to retrieve the db and the collection properties.
# Pay attention to local caching only in case of multi-node deployments (horizontal scalability).
# In this case a change in a db or collection properties would reflect on other nodes at worst after the TTL (cache entries time to live).
# In most of the cases Dbs and collections properties only change at development time.
local-cache-enabled: true
# TTL in milliseconds; specify a value < 0 to never expire cached entries
local-cache-ttl: 1000
schema-cache-enabled: true
# TTL in milliseconds; specify a value < 0 to never expire cached entries
schema-cache-ttl: 60000
# Limit for the maximum number of concurrent requests being served
requests-limit: 1000
# Time limit in milliseconds for processing queries on the server (without network latency). 0 means no time limit
query-time-limit: 0
# Time limit in milliseconds for processing aggregations on the server (without network latency). 0 means no time limit
aggregation-time-limit: 0
# Number of I/O threads created for non-blocking tasks. at least 2. suggested value: core*2
io-threads: 2
# Number of threads created for blocking tasks (such as ones involving db access). suggested value: core*16
worker-threads: 8
# Use 16k buffers for best performance - as in linux 16k is generally the default amount of data that can be sent in a single write() call
buffer-size: 16384
buffers-per-region: 20
# Should the buffer pool use direct buffers, this instructs the JVM to use native (if possible) I/O operations on the buffers
direct-buffers: true
#### Connetction Options
## see
# The maximum size of a HTTP header block, in bytes.
# If a client sends more data that this as part of the request header then the connection will be closed.
# Defaults to 1Mbyte.
# The default maximum size of a request entity.
# Defaults to unlimited.
#The default maximum size of the HTTP entity body when using the mutiltipart parser.
# Generall this will be larger than MAX_ENTITY_SIZE
# If this is not specified it will be the same as MAX_ENTITY_SIZE
# The idle timeout in milliseconds after which the channel will be closed.
# If the underlying channel already has a read or write timeout set
# the smaller of the two values will be used for read/write timeouts.
# Defaults to unlimited (-1).
# The maximum allowed time of reading HTTP request in milliseconds.
# -1 or missing value disables this functionality.
# The amount of time the connection can be idle with no current requests
# before it is closed;
# Defaults to unlimited (-1).
# The maximum number of query parameters that are permitted in a request.
# If a client sends more than this number the connection will be closed.
# This limit is necessary to protect against hash based denial of service attacks.
# Defaults to 1000.
# The maximum number of headers that are permitted in a request.
# If a client sends more than this number the connection will be closed.
# This limit is necessary to protect against hash based denial of service attacks.
# Defaults to 200.
# The maximum number of cookies that are permitted in a request.
# If a client sends more than this number the connection will be closed.
# This limit is necessary to protect against hash based denial of service attacks.
# Defaults to 200.
# The charset to use to decode the URL and query parameters.
# Defaults to UTF-8.
# If this is true then a Connection: keep-alive header will be added to responses,
# even when it is not strictly required by the specification.
# Defaults to true
# If this is true then a Date header will be added to all responses.
# The HTTP spec says this header should be added to all responses,
# unless the server does not have an accurate clock.
# Defaults to true